It’s been one week since I have been on the road. I’m struggling to find the right words to describe it. It doesn’t feel “normal” or “routine” yet. Things change every day, and location changes often. I wake up with the familiarity of being in my own bed, in my own van, with Cosmo, but it takes me a minute to clear the cobwebs and remember exactly where i am. So far, I’ve been in beautiful places, so waking up to the new environment has been a real treat every morning.
I spent the first five days with my friends Leslie and Jonah. It was a practice run for me. I stayed in their driveway, and told them I really didn’t want to be intrusive. I wanted them to think of me as their next door neighbor, and invited them to tell me if I was in the way or overstaying my welcome. We had such a wonderful visit. Leslie worked with Cosmo teaching him how to walk on a leash without pulling. (She is a dog whisperer, for sure.) We took turns cooking dinner, and shared meals inside their house. During the day, they both worked, and Cosmo and I explored the neighborhood and spent time in the van. Cosmo loved their lush, fenced-in yard. In the evenings after we ate, we sat and talked. One night Jonah and I took a walk and Leslie watched Cosmo for me. It was fun, easy, low-key and a great way to start my road trip.
I moved from there to Killens Pond State Park in Delaware. I’m in a beautiful campsite, as I type this, the rain pouring down and the air crisp and clean. It is a luxury I won’t afford often–paying for a place to stay–but I wanted to treat myself while I wait for my tune-up appointment next week.
We move again today staying with my friend Kent. He has graciously offered his driveway for the night. I suspect we’ll get dinner together and have a chance to catch up before I move on again in the morning.
The world feels very big to me this week, and life feels fairly simple. No appointments. No commitments. I don’t need to check my calendar to see what I have to do today. I live much more in the moment. I’m content.